Light, Shadows, Motion & Interconnection


I am most inspired by what I see in a frame and what is missing, or unseen.

I use the available light that I encounter to bend, refract, diffuse, deconstruct, reconstruct, and enhance the image to focus the viewer’s attention and suggest what lurks in the shadows.

I want to create images that transcend the subject, action, time, and place and also challenge the viewer’s expectations.

Typically, I try to guide the viewer’s eye into the photograph, to look beyond the visual and engage with the story that the image is intimating or unearthing.

I am grounded in the natural world, an accomplished observer of human and animal behavior.

I am also intimately and passionately interested in human technology and the complex impacts it engenders.

Are we and our technology living in isolation from the natural world? That is not my experience and view, and I hope that my images of landscapes and automobiles challenge this dualistic thinking.